
This section is under construction.

The intent is to provide command line samples that link to tasks described elsewhere. It is not to duplicate the usage help or man pages.

Utility Installation



  • Fedora - keyutils

  • Build from source


These are just notes. Provide sample use cases.

keyctl add encrypted evm-key “new default user:kmk 32 $evmkey” @u

evm-key is the HMAC key.

Load keys on secondary_trusted_keys keyring.

Add a key:

cat /proc/keys

keyctl padd asymmetric “” [.system_keyring-ID] <[key-file] keyctl padd asymmetric “” 0x223c7853 <my_public_key.x509



autoreconf -i
sudo make install
cd tests


Add the configure rule for OpenSSL 3.x deprecated functions.



  • Fedora - mokutil

  • Ubuntu - mokutil

evmctl portable signature

To create a portable EVM Signature, use this example. It needs root because it writes security.evm.

evmctl sign --imahash --portable --key <privkey.pem>  <pathname>

The hash output is written to security.ima. The evm/ima signature output is written to security.evm. The format of the IMA and EVM signatures is the same as that of the event log sig field, a header and a signature.

The result can be viewed with

getfattr -m - -e hex -d  <pathname>

evmctl fsverity signature


Needs a review.

Sample fsverity measurement list w/signature

Before running the ima-evm-utils fsverity.test, generate keys using Make sure that “test-rsa2048.key” is created. Run the test and then grep the ascii_runtime_measurements for “verity”.

View a keyring

keyctl show lists keys on one of the Keyrings.

keyctl show %keyring:.builtin_trusted_keys
keyctl show %keyring:.secondary_trusted_keys
keyctl show %keyring:.machine
keyctl show %keyring:.platform
keyctl show %keyring:.ima

The output data includes

  • Subject CN - as text

  • X509v3 Subject Key Identifier - as hexascii

To see if one of the Keyrings exists:

cat /proc/keys | grep platform

keyctl add key to keyring


Incomplete notes on building a kernel with additional keys:

Create self signed key and certificate

privkey_ima.pem signing key x509_ima.der pubkey cert signed by ca key, self signed?

change to 2048, sha256

> >

> git clone Linux kernel from git://

> cd linux-stable

Build ca key into builtin keyring

Edit ~/kernelbuild/linux514/.config


cp ~/ima-evm-utils/examples/ima-local-ca.pem trusted_keys.pem

keyctl show %keyring:.builtin_trusted_keys

> make -j 24 O=../kernelbuild/linux514

# make modules_install install O=../kernelbuild/linux514

import ima public key certificate

Fancy automated way of getting the magic number:


function get_keyid () {
   keyctl describe %keyring:$1 | sed 's/\([^:]*\).*/\1/'

keyrings are:

.builtin .ima

If builtin signs .ima If not builtin, ?

keyctl show %keyring:.ima

get the magic number from .ima

evmctl import x509_ima.der 139899697 keyctl show %keyring:.ima



  • Fedora - kernel-devel

  • Ubuntu - linux-headers-`uname -r`-generic


  • Fedora - /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`/scripts/sign-file

  • Ubuntu - /usr/src/linux-kernel-headers-`uname -r`/scripts/sign-file

Use sign-file to add an appended signature to a kernel module, a kernel image, or an initramfs. These items support the ima-modsig template. See sign-file appended signature for an example.

sign-file appended signature

Appended signatures can be measured and appraised with the func=MODULE_CHECK, func=KEXEC_KERNEL_CHECK, and func=KEXEC_INITRAMFS_CHECK rules but not with the func=FILE_CHECK rule.

This example creates a signing key and an appended signature for a Linux kernel and initramfs. The signature format format is PKCS#7.

Create a signing key.

openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout MOK.priv -outform DER -out MOK.der -nodes -days 36500 -subj "/CN=Subject/"

View the key.

openssl x509 -text -inform der -in MOK.der -noout

Sign with the private key.

/usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`/scripts/sign-file sha256 ./MOK.priv ./MOK.der /boot/vmlinuz-6.1.6-200.fc37.x86_64
/usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`/scripts/sign-file sha256 ./MOK.priv ./MOK.der /boot/initramfs-6.1.6-200.fc37.x86_64.img

This kexec command does a soft boot, triggering measure and appraise rules for testing.

kexec -l -s /boot/vmlinuz-6.1.6-200.fc37.x86_64 --initrd /boot/initramfs-6.1.6-200.fc37.x86_64.img --reuse-cmdline



sign-file is part of the kernel, but verify-file is not. How does one verify a signature other than with an appraise rule?



  • Fedora - xz

  • Ubuntu - xz-utils

Use the xy utility to unzip a kernel module .ko.xz to view an appended signature. Unzip in a /tmp directory. See func=MODULE_CHECK for a use case.


cp /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/crypto/wp512.ko.xz /tmp
cd /tmp
xz -d -k -v wp512.ko.xz
tail wp512.ko

Secure Boot State

mokutil can be used to probe the secure boot state.

mokutil --sb-state

Kernel Signing Key Generation

This is a method for generating a kernel image signing key and loading the certificate into the UEFI MOK database. At reboot, the public key is loaded on the .platform keyring. The private key and certificate are stored in a database at /etc/pki/pesign.

Run as root.

View the existing keyring:

keyctl show %:.platform

Create the signing key and certificate to be enrolled. By default, they are put in /etc/pki/pesign databases.

efikeygen --ca --self-sign --nickname="mokcert" --common-name='CN=MyCo' --serial=123

Export the certificate from the database to a file.

certutil -L -d /etc/pki/pesign -n "mokcert" -o mokcert.der -r

Import the certificate into the MOK. This stages the certificate.

mokutil --import ./mokcert.der

Reboot. A UEFI prompt should appear. Accept the certificate, using the password from mokutil.


The MOK prompt lasts for only a few seconds. Be at the machine during the reboot. If the prompt is missed and the machine boots, start over.

View the updated MOK:

mokutil -l

View the updated keyring:

keyctl show %:.platform


With the –ca argument, the certificate attributes are

Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign

Without the –ca argument, the certificate attributes are

Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment


Non-root experiments can be performed as below, creating a tmp directory. The pki utility is in

  • Fedora: dogtag-pki-tools

  • Ubuntu: pki-tools

pki -c pwd -d tmp client-init
efikeygen --ca --self-sign --nickname="mokcert" --common-name='CN=MyCo' --serial=123 -d tmp
certutil -L -d tmp -n "mokcert" -o mokcert.der -r
openssl x509 -inform der -in mokcert.der -noout -text

MOK Certificate Export

mokutil can be used to export a certificate from the MOK.

Run as root.

mokutil --export

The certificates are exported in der format. A certificate can be viewed using, e.g.,

openssl x509 -inform der -in MOK-0005.der -text -noout

MOK Certificate Delete

mokutil can be used to delete (the opposite of import) a certificate from the MOK and the .machine and .platform keyrings.

Run as root.

View the existing keyring:

keyctl show %:.platform

If the der format certificate is not available, use MOK Certificate Export to export and view the certificates. Chose the certificate to be deleted.

This is the first step in deleting the certificate, specifying a deletion password:

mokutil --delete MOK-000n.der

Check using:

mokutil --list-delete

Then reboot.


The MOK prompt lasts for only a few seconds. Be at the machine during the reboot. If the prompt is missed and the machine boots, start over.

Follow the prompt steps, entering the password, and then let the platform boot.

Confirm by viewing the keyring.

IMA CA Key and Certificate

The IMA CA key signs the IMA Signing Key and Certificate, which is used to sign files. The IMA CA certificate is installed on the .machine keyring.

Note: This requires secure boot to be enabled, and CONFIG_INTEGRITY_PLATFORM_KEYRING and CONFIG_INTEGRITY_CA_MACHINE_KEYRING_MAX set.

Create the CA signing key and CA certificate using OpenSSL. The key usage will be Certificate Sign. E.g.,

openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out imacacert.pem -days 3560 -passin pass:rrrr -addext "keyUsage=keyCertSign"

Convert the certificate from pem to der format.

openssl x509 -in imacacert.pem -out imacacert.der -outform der

Use mokutil to stage the certificate for appending to the MOK database.

mokutil --import ./imacacert.der

Reboot. A UEFI prompt should appear. Accept the certificate, using the password from mokutil.

View the updated .machine keyring:

keyctl show %:.machine

IMA Signing Key and Certificate

An IMA signing key signs files and other objects. IMA Appraisal uses certificates that are installed on the .ima keyring.

Create the CA signing key and CA certificate using OpenSSL.

openssl genrsa -out imakey.pem 2048

Create the certificate signing request.

openssl req -new -key imakey.pem -out imacsr.pem

Sign the certificate with the IMA CA Key and Certificate.

openssl x509 -req -in imacsr.pem -CA imacacert.pem -CAkey imacakey.pem -outform der -out imacert.der -days 365 -extensions v3_ca -extfile imacert.cnf

A sample configuratrion file is:

[ v3_ca ]
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always
basicConstraints = CA:false
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature

View the resulting IMA signing key certificate:

openssl x509 -in imacert.der -inform der -noout -text

One Time Install

Get the .ima keyring ID, the first number in the output of:

keyctl show %keyring:.ima

Import the IMA signing key certificate onto the .ima keyring.

evmctl import imacert.der <keyring-ID>

Verify the result.

keyctl show %keyring:.ima

Persistent Install

Move the IMA signing key certificate to the staging area. It must be in der, not pem format.

cp imacert.der /etc/keys/ima

Modify the dracut module to load the IMA signing key certificate. The location is /lib/dracut/modules.d/98integrity/

  • Change the check() return to 0.

  • Comment out the line

Rebuild initramfs with the modified script. Using a bash shell:

dracut --kver $(uname -r) --force --add integrity

Reboot. Verify the result.

keyctl show %keyring:.ima


To verify the inramfs update, run this is a temporary directory

lsinitrd --unpack /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img

and verify that ./usr/lib/dracut/hooks/pre-pivot/ exists.

Sign and Install a Custom Policy

Use this to sign an IMA Custom Policy: file.

See IMA Signing Key and Certificate to generate a signing private key and install the verification certificate.

To sign the IMA Custom Policy:

evmctl ima_sign --hashalgo sha256 --key imakey.pem policy

To read the signature:

getfattr -m - -e hex -d policy

To install the policy. The policy path must start with \.

echo /home/rooted-path/policy > /sys/kernel/security/ima/policy

To sign all kernel modules with an IMA signature:

find /lib/modules -name \*.ko -type f -uid 0 -exec evmctl ima_sign --key imakey.pem '{}' \;


FIXME Signature v1 support is being deprecated in ima-evm-utils. Refer to commit 751a3957729d (“Deprecate IMA signature version 1”).

To sign immutable files (like kernel modules and application code), the evmctl command provided by the app-crypt/ima-evm-utils package FIXME needs link needs be used. But first, set up the kernel keyring:

evmctl import --rsa rsa_public.pem $(keyctl newring _ima @u)

This allows the IMA subsystem to validate the signature (which is also needed when initially setting the signature) by loading the public key onto the IMA keyring. This needs to be done every time the system boots, so it makes sense to do so within an initramfs (early in the boot process).

evmctl was extended to pass file metadata using command line parameters:


use custom inode for EVM


use custom UID for EVM


use custom GID for EVM


use custom Mode for EVM


use custom Generation for EVM(unspecified: from FS, empty: use 0)


use custom IMA signature for EVM


use custom Selinux label for EVM


use custom Capabilities for EVM(unspecified: from FS, empty: do not use)


Remove usage help. Instead provide examples for typical applications.

pesign Database

View the database.

certutil -d /etc/pki/pesign -K

Export the certificate from the database to a file.

certutil -L -d /etc/pki/pesign -n "mokcert" -o mokcert.der -r

Delete the key and certificate from the databases.

certutil -d /etc/pki/pesign -F -n "mokcert"

To delete an orphan key (after deleting just the certificate), where the fingerprint is listed with -K.

certutil -d /etc/pki/pesign -F -k fingerprint


setfattr sets the extended attributes of filesystem objects.


Add example that triggers func=SETXATTR_CHECK when setting a hash algorithm.

Add an example of setting the security.ima signature.


setfattr -n security.ima -v 0x12434567 executable.bin



Add example for signing an fs-verity digest and storing the signature in security.ima.

Needs fs-verity enabled in the kernel. Needs fs-verity package. fedora fsverity-utils IMA evmutils package contains fsverity.test

Sample fsverity measurement list w/signature

Before running the ima-evm-utils fsverity.test, generate keys using Make sure that “test-rsa2048.key” is created. Run the test and then grep the ascii_runtime_measurements for “verity”.

Sample measurement log output:

10 edee38d76b103e8823948d1a823296a46b44874c ima-sigv2 verity:sha256:f1a07ea07aa600a6eb4a61448ca16661a646356b9ff0b3b593b6796191173106 /tmp/fsverity-test/verity-hash.0Pc9Tz 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


his tool generates keys for PE image signing.


  • RedHat, Fedora - pesign

  • Debian, Ubuntu - pesign



Warning does further parsing of the extended attributes.

FIXME Needs testing and a sample command line input and output.


imaextend includes sereral functions related to the IMA Event Log.


  • Fedora: tss2

  • Ubuntu: libtss0

IMA log parsing

The IMA Event Log Binary Format can be displayed using this command:

tssimaextend -le -sim -v -if filename
  • -le indicates a little endian log. Omit for the (rare) big endian log.

  • -sim indicates that simulated PCR values should be calculated, as opposed to extending to a TPM.

  • -v requests a verbose trace of the events

  • -filename indicates the location of the log, which can be /sys/kernel/security/ima/binary_runtime_measurements, but is often saved on a file for debugging.